Monday, October 10, 2011

Teaser without spoilers

As October heads down into winter I'm really excited about the project I'm working on with DreamCraft,and I promised to talk about in my next post. This is that post. Not that it's so cold this October. The weather in Anchortown is hanging out in the mid-forties, daytime. But it's getting dark, and you know winter is around the corner, so ...

One thing I have discovered, sizzling hot romance sure warms up the long dark. I've been writing such stories for a long time, and the first is about to be published, I hope by the end of end of October. It's called Riding Shotgun, and no, it's not set in Anchorage. I will be writing several stories set in my home state, also my home town. But Shotgun is set in California. I have family there, and visit them when I can get away from work, and afford the exorbitant price of flying outside. Folks in lower 48 have no idea the price of flying from or to Alaska.

So. Riding Shotgun is set in California, about a guy who used to be a cop, and another guy who used to be a total idiot and was heading for hell by the fastest road he knew to get there. Yes. This one is an m/m romance. For anybody reading this blog who does now know what that means, it's male/male ... cute dudes in romantic tangles. Very popular today. (I also write m/f romance, if you were wondering.)

There's a whole lot more to Riding Shotgun, but I don't want to get into plot spoilers. I can tell you that it's got some beautiful locations, and some intrigue, and some hot love scenes to warm up the aforementioned cold dark nights. In my next post I will be able to give you a sampler, and I hope the cover will have been done by then. If I have it, I'll post it.

All very exciting. Stay tuned.